Myanmar Artisan Toolkit



On 19 September 2017 a new open source Business Guide, the Myanmar Artisan Toolkit has made its debut to support the Myanmar Crafts Sector.

Hla-Day, the Lutheran World Federation and Turquoise Mountain, worked together to develop the Myanmar Artisan’s Toolkit. It is based on the Afghanistan Artisan’s Toolkit, which was developed by Far + Wide Collective, designed by Principled Design, with support from Harakat, and the Afghan the Export Promotion Agency of Afghanistan in 2015.

The Myanmar Artisan Toolkit has been designed as a resource for entrepreneurs, artisans, makers, producers and future industry leaders in Myanmar wanting to improve their craft and a step in the direction of successful and sustainable businesses. From production to pricing, marketing and design, the toolkit provides artisans with the knowledge and tools to overcome common business challenges and improve practices in key business areas. Demand for handmade, unique craft products is increasing and Myanmar artisans need to meet buyer’s expectations well.

The project was created in collaboration with many talented artisans, passionate individuals, craft industry leaders and organizations, many of which will use the Toolkit to strengthen their own businesses or complement their existing programs to support the Myanmar craft industry. Hla Day will be rolling out the training with their existing crafts producer community with plans to also reach more rural communities. 

We have also worked together to develop a curriculum and TOT which we believe will further the learning and ensure it is implemented while the diverse needs of artisans are addressed. Please reach out if you are a teacher or trainer who work independently or as part of organizations supporting the livelihoods and craft sector in Myanmar can have access to a training curriculum designed to help deliver the lessons of the Myanmar Artisan Toolkit to target communities who may need more support in applying the teachings of the Toolkit. 

Newly trained Myanmar Artisan Toolkit trainers and mentors ready to support the Myanmar Craft sector. 

Hla Day would like to acknowledge the support of Air Asia Foundation and Finland Women's Bank for their generous support in funding this project. 

You can download your copy HERE